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CSS Profile Resource Guide

Carnegie Mellon requires that all applicants who apply for financial aid complete and submit the CSS Profile. We use information from both the FAFSA and CSS Profile to determine your eligibility for financial aid.

How do I submit the CSS Profile?

1. Get Organized

In order to complete the CSS Profile, you'll need information about your parent or guardian’s income and assets. Ask your parent or guardian if they can share this information with you so you can answer the questions accurately. It’s important to answer these questions accurately before submitting the CSS Profile because your answers cannot be edited online after submission.

2. Pay the fee or request a waiver

For families with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of less than $100,000 per year, it’s free to submit the CSS Profile. For families with an AGI of more than $100,000 per year, it’s $25 to submit the CSS Profile to your first school and $16 for each subsequent school. If this cost is a barrier to completing your financial aid application, please contact our office so we can provide you with a fee waiver for the CSS Profile. 

2. Submit Online

Submit online by February 15, 2024.

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Divorced and Separated Families

  • Each parent or guardian is required to submit the CSS Profile.   
  • If you don't have contact with one of your parents or guardians, please fill out a Financial Aid Special Circumstances Request. Select the option that reads "Request for Noncustodial Parent CSS Profile Waiver."

Independent Students

Your status as a Dependent or Independent student is determined by information you provide on the FAFSA and the CSS Profile. Please reference the FAFSA Dependency Status website to see if you're considered an independent student.

If you believe your dependency status should be different than what's indicated on the CSS Profile, please fill out a Financial Aid Special Circumstances Request. Select the option that reads "Other."


Frequently Asked Questions

I made a mistake on the CSS Profile. How do I correct it?

The CSS Profile can't be corrected online once submitted. Please fill out a Financial Aid Special Circumstances Request. Select the option that reads "Changes to CSS Profile."

I don’t have contact with my Noncustodial Parent. What should I do?

If you don't have contact with one of your parents or guardians, please fill out a Financial Aid Special Circumstances Request. Select the option that reads "Request for Noncustodial Parent CSS Profile Waiver."

My parent/guardian recently lost their job. What income should I report on the CSS Profile?

Please complete the CSS Profile using the income for the tax year indicated on the CSS Profile. A student whose parent(s) or guardian(s) experienced a reduction of income is eligible to submit a Financial Aid Special Circumstances Request. Select the option that reads "Reduced income since filing the FAFSA and CSS Profile."

Where can I go if I have a different special circumstance?

More information about special circumstances can be found by reviewing our Financial Aid Special Circumstances Request form.