Social and Decision Sciences
Understanding what makes people tick and why it matters.

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Social and Decision Sciences
In the Department of Social and Decision Sciences, you’ll study the most fascinating subject of all: the human mind. You’ll learn about what drives human behavior, and how you can use that information to predict outcomes and help organizations make better decisions. In courses and research led by expert faculty, you’ll combine disciplines and converge knowledge from all over the university to better understand why people do what they do — and when you graduate, you’ll be prepared for a career doing something you’re all kinds of passionate about.
Class of 2023, Six Months After Graduation
Employed or in Grad School
Average Salary
Recent Employers
High School Course Requirements
**Three years of mathematics should include at least algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, elementary functions as well as pre-calculus. Advanced mathematics courses are encouraged.

Submit your application for the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Mix It Up
You’re not just one thing. You’re a scientist. An artist. A technologist. A maker. A writer. Carnegie Mellon has been mixing it up for decades, and whatever you want to pursue, we’ve got the right mix for you.